ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2016 United States presidential election

Okay kiddo, so you know how every four years the grown-ups in the United States get to vote for who they want to be the boss of the country, right? Well, in 2016, it was a really big election because one of the grown-ups running was a lady named Hillary Clinton, who would have been the first girl president ever! The other grown-up was named Donald Trump.

Now, both of these grown-ups had a lot of people who liked them and a lot of people who didn't like them. They went all around the country and talked to people about why they should vote for them. And they had debates on the TV where they talked about important issues like health care, taxes, and how to keep the country safe.

In the end, Donald Trump ended up getting more votes than Hillary Clinton, so he became the new boss of the United States. Some people were really happy about this, and some people were really sad. But either way, we all have to work together to make the country the best it can be!