ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Act structure

Act structure is like a big puzzle that helps us make a good story. It is when we break a story into sections or pieces, just like how we break a pizza into slices. Each slice or section in the story has its own special job to do.

Act structure has three big slices: the beginning, middle, and end. The beginning slice is where we meet the characters and learn about their world. The middle slice is where the characters do big things, like try to solve a problem or achieve a goal, and face challenges along the way. The end slice is where everything comes together, and we find out how the story ends.

But wait, there's more! Each slice or act is also divided into smaller slices or scenes. These smaller slices are like mini-puzzles that help us understand more about the story. Each scene has a beginning, middle, and end, just like the bigger act slices.

Act structure helps us make a good story because it gives us a plan and helps us make sure the pieces of the puzzle fit together just right. Without act structure, our story might feel messy or confusing. But with act structure, we can make sure our story is easy to follow and enjoyable to read or watch.