ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acts 12

So there was this guy named Herod, who was like a really important ruler in a place called Judea. He didn't like people who believed in Jesus and he wanted to make them suffer. One day, he arrested one of the leaders of the Jesus followers named James and killed him.

Then, he saw that the people were pretty happy about James being killed, so he decided to arrest another Jesus follower, named Peter. Herod put Peter in a prison with guards all around him, making sure he didn't escape.

Peter's friends in the Jesus following group were really worried about him, so they prayed a lot for him. One night, when Peter was sleeping in his cell, an angel came and woke him up. The angel told Peter to get up and follow him. Peter thought it was a dream, but it was real!

The angel led Peter out of the prison, past all the guards and gates, and out into the city. Then, the angel disappeared and Peter was all alone. Peter realized that God had rescued him!

When Peter went to his friends' house, they couldn't believe it was really him! They were so happy to see him and they all praised God for saving him.

Meanwhile, Herod was really angry that Peter had escaped. He even ordered his guards to kill the guards who were supposed to be watching Peter! But, a few days later, Herod himself died.

So, Peter was saved and Herod got what was coming to him. It just shows that God can do amazing things and protect his people, even when it seems impossible!