ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, imagine you are playing with your toys and you have a bunch of different toys to choose from like dolls, blocks, and cars. Some toys might be your favorite, but other toys might not matter as much. Those toys that don't matter as much are like "adiaphora."

In fancy grown-up talk, adiaphora means things that are neither good nor bad, important nor unimportant- they're just kinda neutral. So like how some of your toys might be just okay, adiaphora things are just okay too.

For example, whether you wear red or blue shoes today might not be a big deal - it's an adiaphora decision. But whether you hit your sister or not is definitely not an adiaphora decision - that's a bad choice.

So adiaphora is all about things that are kind of in the middle and not really important one way or the other. Pretty cool huh?