ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Administrative divisions of Iran

Okay kiddo, let me explain administrative divisions of Iran in simple terms.

Imagine you have a big pile of toys in your room. You love all the toys, but it's hard to keep track of them when they're all in one place. So, you divide them into smaller groups to make them easier to manage.

Similarly, Iran is a big country with lots of people, cities, and provinces. To make it easier to govern and manage, Iran is divided into several smaller groups called administrative divisions.

The first level of administrative divisions in Iran is the province. Iran has 31 provinces, each with its own governor (like a principal in school) and capital city. For example, Tehran Province is the most populous province in Iran, and its capital city is Tehran.

Inside each province, there are smaller regions called counties or districts. These regions typically have several towns and villages.

Finally, each county is further divided into smaller areas called municipalities or districts. These districts are responsible for things like waste collection, public transportation and maintenance of local roads.

This way, it is easier for the government to manage and make decisions for each area, depending on their specific needs and circumstances. Just like how you divide your toys into categories to keep them organized and easy to find, Iran divides its territories into administrative divisions to make governing easier.
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