ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Provinces of Iran

Iran is a big country in the middle east, kind of like a cake that's sliced up into smaller pieces. These slices are called provinces. Each province has its own name and people who live there. It's like having different kinds of candy in a box. Some are chocolate, some are fruity, and they all taste different!

There are 31 provinces in Iran. Each province has a capital city, which is like the most important city in the province. Just like how the birthday boy or girl is the most important person at a party!

Some provinces are big and some are small. Some have lots of people and some have less. Just like how some cookies are big and some are small, and some have sprinkles and some don't.

People in each province have their own traditions, languages, and cultures. It's like having different toys to play with. Some have dolls, some have toy cars, and some have action figures.

Overall, Iran is a big country with many provinces, each with its own unique characteristics, just like a big box of candies with different flavors and colors.