ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Adventive species

Adventive species are plants, animals, or other organisms that have come from one place and ended up living in a new place.

Imagine you have a friend who lives far away from you. If they come to visit you and then decide to stay with you forever, they are like an adventive species. They were originally from a different place but now they live with you.

The same thing happens in nature too! Sometimes organisms from one area accidentally end up in a different area, and if they can survive and reproduce there, they become an adventive species.

For example, imagine a bird flies all the way from Europe to North America. If it likes the place it landed and decides to make a nest, have babies, and never leave, it has become an adventive species in North America.

Sometimes adventive species can cause problems. They can eat other plants or animals, spread diseases, or compete with native species for resources. It's important for scientists to study adventive species and understand how they affect their new environment.