ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biological dispersal

Biological dispersal is how plants and animals move from one place to another. It is like when you move from your bedroom to the living room. Sometimes, plants and animals need to move to find food, water, or a new home. There are many ways that plants and animals can disperse, just like there are many ways that you can move around too.

Some animals can fly, like birds and butterflies. They use their wings to travel long distances, just like when you use a car to go on a long trip. Other animals can swim, like fish and turtles. They use their fins to move through water, like when you use your legs to swim in the pool. Some animals can walk or run on land, like deer and rabbits. They use their legs to move, just like when you use your feet to walk or run.

Plants can also disperse in many ways. Some plants can have seeds that are carried by the wind, like dandelion seeds. They have little parachutes that help them float away. Other plants can have seeds that are eaten by animals and then carried away in their poop. This helps the plants to spread to new places where they can grow and thrive.

Overall, biological dispersal is like a big adventure for plants and animals. They get to explore new places and find new homes. It is just like when you go on vacation and see new things and meet new people.