ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Disturbance (ecology)

Disturbance in ecology means something happens that interrupts the natural balance of an ecosystem where plants, animals, and other living things live together.

Imagine playing with your toys and suddenly someone comes along and messes them up. That's what a disturbance is like in nature - something comes along and disturbs the balance of the ecosystem.

Some disturbances are natural, like wildfires or floods. Others are caused by human activities like land development or pollution.

Disturbances can have both positive and negative effects on an ecosystem. For example, a wildfire can clear out dead and overgrown plants, allowing new growth to occur. But, it can also destroy animal habitats and leave soil exposed to erosion.

Overall, disturbances are a natural part of the cycle of life in nature, but it's important to be careful and thoughtful when human activities cause disturbances to an ecosystem, so we don't end up causing more harm than good.