ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An airstrip is like a big long road, but instead of cars driving on it, airplanes can land and take off from it. It's important that an airstrip is really smooth and flat so that when planes land, they don't bounce around too much.

Airplanes need a lot of space to land and take off because they go really fast. So an airstrip usually has to be really long so that planes have enough room to slow down and stop safely, or get up to speed and take off without running out of space.

Some airstrips are made of concrete or asphalt, which is really strong and lasts a long time. Other airstrips are made of a special kind of dirt called gravel, which is good for airplanes that need to land in remote areas.

Airplanes need special training to land and take off on an airstrip because it's different from landing on a regular road. But with the right training, pilots can safely use airstrips all over the world!