ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alkali soil

Alkali soil is dirt that has too much of a special chemical called "alkali". This chemical can be like a bully to plants, because it can make it hard for them to grow big and strong. Just like how some kids might have trouble getting along with bullies at school, some plants might have trouble growing in alkali soil.

When the soil has too much of this chemical, it can affect the way the dirt holds water and nutrients. It might make it hard for plants to absorb the things they need to grow properly. This can make it tough for farmers to grow crops and for gardeners to grow flowers and plants they want in their yards.

To fix this problem, gardeners and farmers might need to add special things to the soil to help balance out the alkali. They might add things like sulfur, iron or even some special types of sand. This can help the plants have a better chance of growing big and strong, even in soil that has too much alkali.