ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you heard of the word salty? Well, imagine if the water and soil around plants have too much salt in them. That's called biosalinity. It means that the plants and animals that live in those areas are going to have a hard time surviving because too much salt is not good for them.

Now, let's say we want to grow crops in these salty areas. That's where biosalinity research comes in. Scientists are trying to find ways to help plants survive in salty areas. They do this by studying different types of plants that can handle salty environments and identifying the genes that help these plants survive.

Scientists also find ways to change the soil so that it's less salty, which can help plants grow better. Another way they can help is by providing farmers with knowledge on how to irrigate and manage their farm in order to minimize salt build-up.

So, in summary, biosalinity is when there is too much salt in the environment, and scientists are working on ways to help plants and animals survive in these harsh environments by studying different types of plants, irrigation methods and soil management.