ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Allegory of the Cave

An allegory of the cave is a story where people live in a cave and can only see shadows of an outside world. The story is meant to teach us that sometimes, we only think we understand or know things, when really, there is much more to learn.

Imagine there is a cave with a long path inside. In the cave, there are people who have been living there their whole lives. They are chained so they can’t move and the only thing they can look at is the wall in front of them. On the wall, they can only see shadows of people, animals, and things that are being projected from outside the cave.

The people in the cave might think that the shadows are real and that is all there is to life, but in fact, the shadows are just a part of the world outside the cave. The real people, animals and things outside the cave are much more real and have much more meaning to them.

So the allegory of the cave is teaching us that sometimes, we think we know everything there is to know about something, but in reality, there is much more to understand and learn.