ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Allhallowtide is a special time of year where people remember and celebrate their loved ones who have died. It actually includes three different days: All Hallows Eve (also known as Halloween), All Saints Day, and All Souls Day.

On Halloween, people like to dress up in costumes and go trick or treating. This tradition actually comes from an older tradition where people would dress up as ghosts or spirits to scare away any actual ghosts that might be wandering around.

On All Saints Day, people celebrate all the saints (people who were especially good or important to the church) who have died. It's like a big party to say thank you for everything they did. People might go to church or visit cemeteries to remember their loved ones who have also passed away.

On All Souls Day, people remember all of their loved ones who have died. This is a time to pray for them and ask for their souls to be at peace. It's like a big hug for your family members who aren't with you anymore.

So all in all, Allhallowtide is a special time of year where people remember and celebrate the lives of those who have passed away, whether they were saints or just regular people like you and me.