ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anarchism and animal rights

Anarchism means that people should be free to make their own choices, without any kind of government or leaders telling them what to do.

Animal rights means that animals should be treated with kindness and respect, just like humans are.

Some people who believe in anarchism also believe in animal rights. They think that if humans are free to make their own choices, animals should also have the freedom to live their own lives without humans hurting them.

They believe that animals are not objects that can be owned or used for human purposes, like food or clothing. Instead, animals should be treated as living beings with their own thoughts and feelings.

Anarchists who care about animal rights might also try to change laws or social attitudes so that animals are treated better. They might protest against industries that use animals for food or entertainment, or work to create new systems that respect animal rights.