ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Angle iron

Okay kiddo, so angle iron is a type of metal that's shaped like an "L". It's called "angle" because it has two sides that meet at a corner, or an "angle."

Now, this metal is really strong and can be used for lots of things. It's often used in construction to make the frames of buildings, or to attach things together. Imagine if you wanted to build a treehouse. You might use angle iron to make the frame of the treehouse and secure the planks of wood to it.

Angle iron can also be used to make things like shelving or brackets for holding things up. It's really versatile, and you can find it in different sizes and thicknesses depending on what you need it for.

One thing to know about angle iron is that it can be sharp on the edges, so be careful when you're handling it. It's also heavier than some other materials, so you might need help to move it around.

Overall, angle iron is a really useful material that can help you build and create lots of things!