ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Animal training

Animal training is like teaching a puppy or kitty new tricks. It’s just like when mommy or daddy teaches you how to say your ABC’s or how to tie your shoes.

Animals can be trained to do different things such as playing catch, jumping through hoops, or even using the bathroom in a litter box. Just like how you learn something new, animals can learn too!

When trainers teach animals something new, they start with something easy, and once the animal learns it, they build on it. It’s just like when you learn to read. First, you learn letters, then words, and then sentences. Animals learn in the same way.

Trainers use different methods to teach animals. One way is by giving the animal a treat after it does something correct. For example, if the animal sits when told to, it gets a tasty treat as a reward. This way, the animal will work hard to get more treats in the future.

Also, trainers use positive reinforcement, which means they give the animal a reward for doing something right rather than punishing it for doing something wrong. So if an animal doesn’t do the trick, the trainer won't scold it. They wait patiently and try again until the animal gets it!

In short, just like when you learn something new, animals can learn too! Trainers use simple tasks to teach animals new tricks, and when the animals get it right, they get a treat as a reward. It is a positive and joyful learning experience for both the animal and the trainer.