ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there kiddo, have you ever been told what to do by grown-ups and thought "I don't want to do that"? Well, sometimes groups of people feel the same way about leaders or people in power who make rules or decisions that they don't like. They believe these leaders and rules are part of a system called the establishment, which can be anything from the government to big companies or influential groups.

These people who disagree with the establishment, they are called anti-establishment. They believe that the people in power don't listen to them and don't work for the benefit of everyone. They want to do things differently, to break away from what they perceive is a bad or unfair system, and to make their own rules so they can live as they want to.

For example, you may have noticed some people refuse to follow certain laws or traditions because they think they are outdated, unjust or restrictive. They may protest, speak out, or form alternative groups and communities to stand up against the establishment.

So, being anti-establishment is like saying "I don't like the way things are done, and I want to do things differently!" It's a way of standing up for what you believe in, even if it means going against what everyone else is doing.