ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-war movement

Alright kiddo, let's talk about the anti-war movement.

Have you ever heard about wars? Wars are fights between countries or groups of people that can sometimes be very violent and hurtful. Sometimes people don't want wars to happen, and they try to stop them. That's where the anti-war movement comes in!

The anti-war movement is a group of people who work together to stop wars. They believe that wars cause too much harm and suffering, and that there are better ways to solve problems than fighting. These people might organize protests, write letters or petitions to their government, or talk to their friends and family about why they think wars are bad.

One big moment in the anti-war movement happened during the Vietnam War. A lot of people didn't agree with the United States' involvement in the war, and they protested in big groups. Some of the people who protested were college students, and they would even skip classes to join marches and rallies. Many famous musicians and artists also spoke out against the war, and this helped to spread the message that the anti-war movement was trying to promote.

Overall, the anti-war movement is just a group of people who want to make sure that we don't have to go through the pain and suffering of wars. They believe that peace is a better solution, and they work hard to spread that message.