ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Anusim is a term that refers to people who were forced to convert to another religion, usually Christianity, during various periods throughout history, such as the Spanish Inquisition. It means they were not allowed to practice their original religion anymore in public, but many of them still secretly continued to do so in private.

Think of it like this - imagine you love playing with your toys and it makes you really happy, but then one day someone comes along and tells you that you're not allowed to play with your toys anymore. They make you start playing with something else instead. But, even though you can't play with your toys in front of them, you still sneak away when you can and play with them in secret because they make you happy.

The same thing happened to many people throughout history with their religions. They were forced to give up their beliefs and traditions, but many still secretly practiced them because it brought them comfort and happiness. These people are called anusim, which means they were forced to do something they didn't want to do.