ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Appreciative listening

When we want to listen to someone in a kind and interested way, we call it "appreciative listening". It's like when you go to an ice cream shop to choose your favorite flavor. You must pay close attention to all the options and think about what you might like.

Similarly, when you are listening to someone in an appreciative manner, you must pay attention to what they are saying, and think about what it means to you. You ask questions and give feedback to show the person you care about what they are saying.

Just as you might tell the ice cream shop worker why you like a certain flavor more than the others, you can tell the person you're listening to why something they said was important or interesting. By doing this, you show that you're listening and that you care, just like how the ice cream worker is happy when you appreciate their flavors.

Appreciative listening is about understanding and appreciating what the person is saying, even if you don't always agree with them. It's important because it helps us build relationships and make people feel heard and valued.