ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Active listening

Active listening is when we pay attention to what someone is saying and show them that we care about what they are saying. It means that we are not just hearing them talk, but we are really listening and trying to understand what they are saying. It is like trying to solve a puzzle, we listen carefully and try to put all the pieces together so that we can understand the whole picture.

When we listen actively, we use our eyes to look at the person who is talking, and we use our ears to hear what they say. We also use our brains to process what they are saying, and our body language to show that we are interested. For example, we might smile, nod our head, or lean in a little to show that we are paying attention.

Active listening helps us to communicate better with others, and it helps us to build stronger relationships. When we listen actively, we are respecting the person who is talking and we are showing them that we care about them. It also helps us to avoid misunderstandings and arguments, because we are making sure that we understand what the other person is saying.

In summary, active listening means paying attention with our eyes, ears, brain, and body language. It helps us to understand others better and build stronger relationships.