Arab archery is a way of shooting bow and arrows that Arab people used a long time ago. It's like playing a game of shooting at targets, but instead of using your hands, you use a bow and arrow.
To shoot an arrow, you need to first make a bow. A bow is a piece of wood that is bent in the middle with a string tied to both ends. When you stretch the string and let go, it will pull the arrow with it and launch it through the air.
Arab archers were really good at shooting arrows accurately and quickly. They used a special type of bow that was small and curved, which made it easier to shoot arrows from horseback. This was important because Arab archers would ride on horses during battles and shoot arrows at their enemies while they were moving.
But shooting a bow and arrow is not just about being strong or fast. It also requires good aim and technique. Arab archers would practice a lot to improve their skills, learning how to stand, hold the bow, and pull the string back to shoot.
They also developed a special kind of arrow called a "flight arrow" that was designed to fly really far and fast. This was useful for shooting at far-away targets or enemies.
Arab archery was not just a game or a sport, it was also an important skill for battles and hunting. Nowadays, it is still practiced as a traditional art form and there are competitions held to see who can shoot the most accurately and quickly.