ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aryan clause

The Aryans were a group of people who lived a long time ago in India. Some people today believe that being descended from the Aryans is very important and that it makes them better than other people who aren't descended from them.

There was a time when some people in India decided that only people who were descended from the Aryans should be able to be citizens of the country. This is called the Aryan Clause. It meant that people who weren't descended from the Aryans couldn't vote or own land or do other things that citizens usually get to do.

But this was very unfair because lots of people who weren't descended from the Aryans had been living in India for a very long time and were just as much a part of the country as anyone else. So the Aryan Clause was eventually removed and everyone was allowed to be a citizen, no matter where their ancestors came from.