ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Augustinian nuns

Augustinian nuns are women who have dedicated their lives to serving God and following the teachings of Saint Augustine. They live in communities called convents and spend their time praying, studying, and engaging in other spiritual activities.

Just like how you have rules at school and at home, Augustinian nuns have rules they have to follow. These rules are called their “rule of life” and they guide their behavior and actions. This means they have specific times for prayer and meditation, and also rules about how they dress and how they interact with others.

Augustinian nuns spend a lot of time studying the Bible and learning about the teachings of Saint Augustine. They believe that the most important thing in life is to love God with all your heart, and they dedicate their lives to showing this love through their actions and their service to others.

In addition to their spiritual activities, Augustinian nuns may also engage in work that helps support their community, such as cooking and cleaning, or running schools and hospitals. They may also participate in fundraising activities to support their convent and the work they do.

Overall, Augustinian nuns live a simple and humble life, dedicated to serving God and others. They believe that through their actions and devotion, they can make the world a better and more loving place.