ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Australopithecus sediba

Australopithecus sediba was a type of human ancestor that lived a really, really long time ago, even before your great-great-great-great grandparents were born! They were kind of like monkeys, but also kind of like humans. They had a smaller brain than humans do today and walked on two legs, just like we do.

Scientists found some really old bones that belonged to these australopithecus sediba people. They think that these bones are about 2 million years old - that's older than any of your toys! These bones helped scientists learn more about what kind of creatures australopithecus sediba were and how they lived.

One thing that scientists found interesting about australopithecus sediba is that they had some body parts that were similar to humans and some that were similar to monkeys. For example, they had strong, long arms like monkeys do, but they also had hands and feet that look a lot like human hands and feet. This mix of human and monkey features is what makes studying australopithecus sediba so exciting for scientists!

Overall, australopithecus sediba were early humans who lived a really long time ago in Africa. Although they were different from us in some ways, they still helped pave the way for how humans developed over time.