ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, have you ever played a game where you and your friends have to vote on something? Like maybe which game to play or where to go for lunch? Well, that's kind of like what a ballot is. It's a way for people to vote on important things like who should be in charge of running the country or the city.

A ballot is usually a piece of paper with a list of names or options for people to choose from. Let's say there's an election for a new class president. The ballot might have the names of all the candidates running for class president. You would then choose which candidate you want to vote for by marking your choice on the piece of paper.

Sometimes, instead of a paper ballot, people vote on a computer or electronic device. This is basically like a fancy version of a paper ballot. Instead of marking a piece of paper, you use a mouse or touch screen to choose which candidate or option you want to vote for.

Once everyone has voted, the ballots are counted up to see who has the most votes. The person or option with the most votes wins! That's the basic idea behind a ballot.