ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bamboo Union

Okay, so imagine you are in a big group of friends who all play together and help each other out. That's a bit like the Bamboo Union. It's a group of people in Taiwan who work together to help each other out and protect each other.

The Bamboo Union is made up of lots of little groups, kind of like branches on a tree. Each of those groups has its own leader, like a big brother or sister, who looks out for the people in their group and makes sure everyone is okay.

The members of the Bamboo Union help each other in lots of ways. If one person needs help with something, like finding a job or getting money, the others in their group will try to help them out. And if someone tries to hurt one member of the Bamboo Union, everyone else will come together to protect them.

Overall, the Bamboo Union is like a big family of friends who look out for each other and work together to make sure everyone is safe and happy.