ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Basilica Cistern

Oh hello there, little one! Do you know what a cistern is? It's like a big tank that people use to store water. And a basilica is a big building, kind of like a church. So a basilica cistern is a really big tank underneath a basilica!

Now, let's talk about the Basilica Cistern in Istanbul, Turkey. It's one of the largest underground cisterns in the world! It was built a long time ago, more than 1,500 years ago, by some really clever people. They built it to store water for the city of Constantinople (which is now Istanbul).

The cistern is really dark and kind of spooky, but it's also really cool! There are big, beautiful columns all around the cistern, holding up the ceiling. And there's water all over the floor, which makes it kind of slippery. But don't worry, grown-ups are always there to help you walk around safely.

One really interesting thing about the cistern is that there are two big columns with carved heads of Medusa on them! Medusa was a character from Greek mythology who had snakes for hair and could turn people to stone just by looking at them. But don't worry, these Medusa heads aren't scary at all! They're actually really beautiful, and tourists love taking pictures with them.

So that's a basilica cistern! It's a really big tank underneath a big building, used to store water a long time ago. And the Basilica Cistern in Istanbul has beautiful columns, lots of water, and even some cool Medusa heads!