ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Battle of Blair Mountain

Okay kiddo, so the Battle of Blair Mountain happened a long time ago, back in 1921. It was in the mountains of West Virginia, which is a state in America.

Now, back then, people who worked in the mines were being treated unfairly. They had to work long hours in dangerous conditions, and they weren't paid very much. They wanted to form a union, which is like a club for workers, to try and make things better for themselves. But the mine owners didn't like that idea, because it would mean they would have to pay the workers more money and make things safer for them.

So, some of the miners formed a group called the United Mine Workers of America, or UMWA for short. They went on strike, which means they all stopped working to try and get the mine owners to listen to them. But the owners didn't want to listen, and they hired some tough guys called private police to stop the miners from striking.

The private police were really mean and they would beat up the miners and break their bones. So, thousands of miners went to Blair Mountain to try and stand up against the private police and the mine owners. They marched towards the mountain with guns and they even made their own little forts to try and protect themselves.

But then the government sent in soldiers to try and stop the miners from fighting. There was a big battle and it lasted for a few days. The miners had to retreat, which means they moved back because they couldn't win the battle. A lot of people got hurt and some even died.

After the battle, things started to change a little bit for the miners. The government started to pass laws to try and make things safer for them, and they even allowed them to form a union. But it took a really long time for things to get better for the miners.