ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Bektashism is a type of religion that some people in parts of Europe and Asia follow. It’s a way to think about God and the universe, and how people can live their lives to be happy and good to others.

People who follow Bektashism believe in one God who is all-powerful and loving. They also believe that everyone is connected and should treat each other with kindness and respect.

In Bektashism, there are special teachers called “Babas” who help people understand God’s love and how to be good people. They might talk to people about being honest, helping others, and being grateful.

People who follow Bektashism also have special places called “tekkē” where they go to pray and learn more about their religion. These tekkēs might have beautiful decorations, music, and dancing.

In Bektashism, people also celebrate special days like birthdays and holidays where they might eat yummy food, sing songs, and spend time with family and friends.

Overall, Bektashism is a religion that focuses on being kind to others, learning about God’s love, and celebrating life with family and friends.