ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Binge eating

Binge eating is when you eat a lot of food in one sitting, way more than what you need to feel full or satisfied. It's like when you go to a birthday party and you eat so much cake and ice cream that your tummy hurts afterwards. Some people do this a lot, even when they're not really hungry, and it can be a problem for their health and how they feel about themselves.

Binge eating is different from just enjoying a really big meal or special occasion treats with friends or family. When someone binge eats, they often feel like they can't control their eating, like they just have to keep eating and eating even though they don't want to. And it can happen even when they're feeling sad, stressed, or bored.

Sometimes people who binge eat feel guilty or ashamed afterwards, which can make them want to eat even more to try and feel better. But the more they do this, the worse they may feel, physically and emotionally.

If someone you know is struggling with binge eating, it's important to be supportive and helpful. Encourage them to talk to a trusted adult or doctor about their feelings and eating habits. There are also resources and treatments that can help them learn healthy ways to manage their emotions and eating habits.