ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biomarker discovery

Biomarker discovery is like finding a treasure map! Just like how a treasure map can help you find a treasure, biomarker discovery can help doctors find important clues in our bodies. These clues are called biomarkers.

Biomarkers are like little signs that tell doctors what is going on inside our bodies. They can be found in things like our blood, urine or tissue samples. Scientists try to discover these biomarkers by doing experiments and testing different things. They look for things that are different or unusual in people who have certain health conditions, like cancer or heart disease. Then, they try to figure out why these things are different and how they can help doctors to make better decisions about how to treat the condition.

For example, think of a detective trying to solve a mystery. They might look for clues in a crime scene to help them solve the case. Biomarker discovery is kind of like that! Scientists are detectives trying to solve the mystery of a person's health by looking for clues in their body. By finding and using biomarkers, doctors can better understand a person's health and make better decisions about how to treat their condition.