ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A biquaternion is a really neat math tool that helps us describe things in three-dimensional space that can move and change. It's like a combination of two different things called quaternions and complex numbers.

Think of it like this: You know how a regular number line goes from negative to positive? Well, a complex number is like a two-dimensional number line that can go in any direction, not just left and right. And a quaternion is like a special kind of complex number that also has a third dimension, so it can move in even more directions.

Now, when we combine two quaternions together, we get a biquaternion. This gives us even more dimensions to work with, which is really helpful when we're trying to describe things that move around and change in different ways.

For example, let's say we want to describe the movement of a toy car on a track. We could use a biquaternion to describe its position in space, its direction of movement, and how it's rotating. This lets us predict where the car will go, how fast it will move, and what it will look like as it moves around the track.

Overall, a biquaternion is a really powerful tool that helps us work with complex movements in three-dimensional space.