ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Buddhas and bodhisattvas in art

Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are important figures in Buddhist art. They are like superheroes, but instead of saving people physically, they help us understand the world and ourselves.

A Buddha is someone who has discovered the ultimate truth about the world and has achieved enlightenment. Think of it as unlocking the secrets of the universe, like understanding how a magic trick works. Buddhists believe that anyone can become a Buddha, but it takes lots of hard work and dedication.

Bodhisattvas are like Buddhas-in-training. They have also achieved enlightenment but choose to stay on Earth and help others find enlightenment too. They act as role models and teach us how to be compassionate and kind to others.

In art, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are often shown in different poses and with different objects that symbolize their teachings. For example, a Buddha might be shown sitting with crossed legs and hands in a specific position, called a mudra, which represents a certain idea or lesson. A Bodhisattva might be shown holding a lotus flower, which symbolizes purity and enlightenment.

These figures are often shown wearing special clothing and surrounded by lots of bright colors and designs. This is to help us focus on them and their teachings, and to help us feel peaceful and calm.

So, in summary, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are important figures in Buddhist art who teach us how to be kind and compassionate towards others, and how to understand the world around us. They are like superheroes that help us on our journey to enlightenment!