ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Buddhism and science

Buddhism is a belief system that teaches people how to be more compassionate, live in harmony with others, and find peace within themselves. It teaches that everything in the world is interconnected, and that the self does not exist separately, but is part of a larger whole.

Science is a way of understanding the world through observation and experimentation. It involves using tools, methods, and theories to explain how things work.

Buddhism and science have a lot in common because they both seek to understand the world and everything in it, but they go about it in different ways. Buddhism uses meditation, self-reflection, and introspection to understand the nature of reality, while science uses experiments, measurements, and observation.

Buddhists believe that everything in the world is interconnected, and that everything affects everything else. This is similar to the idea in science that everything in the world is made up of atoms and molecules, which interact with each other to create the world we see around us.

Buddhists also believe in impermanence, the idea that everything is constantly changing and nothing stays the same. This is similar to the idea in science that everything in the world is evolving and changing over time.

In recent years, scientists and Buddhist scholars have been collaborating to explore the overlaps and connections between Buddhism and science. Both groups are interested in understanding the nature of reality and how we can live in harmony with the world around us.

Overall, Buddhism and science share many similarities in their approach to understanding the world. While they may differ in their methods and beliefs, they both seek to help people live better, more meaningful lives by understanding the world around them.