ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


When we say something is burning, it means that it is on fire. When something is on fire, it's because it is getting really, really hot.

Do you know what heat is? It's something that makes things warm or hot. When something gets really hot, the molecules inside it start moving around really fast. That's why when you touch something that's hot, you can feel the heat.

When something is burning, it means that it is on fire and the heat is really strong. There are different things that can cause something to start burning. Sometimes it's because there is a spark. Other times, it's because something is really hot and it catches fire.

When something is burning, it can be dangerous because the fire can spread and hurt people or things. That's why it's important to be careful around fire and always ask a grown-up to help you if you see something on fire.