ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cadence (music)

Cadence in music is like the little stopping points at the end of a sentence. When someone talks, they don’t just keep going on and on without taking a breath or pausing. They’ll usually stop and take a breath at the end of a sentence to let their words sink in.

Cadence is kind of like that. It’s when music takes a little break or stops for a moment before continuing on. It usually happens at the end of a phrase of music. It’s like taking a little breath before starting the next part.

There are different kinds of cadences, just like there are different ways to end a sentence. Some cadences sound like the music is coming to a complete stop, like when you put a period at the end of a sentence. Other cadences sound like the music is just taking a little break before it starts up again, like when you put a comma at the end of a sentence.

Cadence is really important in music because it helps give the music structure and helps it sound like it’s telling a story. It’s like each little cadence is its own little chapter in a book. Without cadence, music would just keep going and going and it would be hard to know where one part ended and another began.