ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canadian immigration and refugee law

Hey there! So, you know how sometimes people want to move from one place to another? Well, Canada has rules about who they let in to the country and who they don't.

If someone wants to come to Canada because they're in danger in their own country or because they're being treated unfairly because of who they are, they can apply to be a refugee. A refugee is someone who needs help and is asking Canada to let them in so they can be safe.

But just applying to be a refugee isn't enough. Canada has to check to make sure the person really needs help and is telling the truth. This is called a "refugee claim."

If someone wants to come to Canada because they want to live here and make a better life for themselves, they can apply to be an immigrant. An immigrant is someone who wants to live in Canada permanently.

But again, just applying to be an immigrant isn't enough. Canada has to make sure the person is going to be a good citizen and help the country. This means they have to check to see if the person has a criminal past or if they're going to be able to find a job and contribute to Canadian society.

It's really important for Canada to have these rules because they want to make sure everyone is safe and happy. And it's important for people who want to come to Canada to follow these rules too, so they can have the best chance of being allowed to stay.