ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Okay kiddo, so you know how we all need air to breathe and our hearts to pump blood to stay alive, right? Sometimes, people's hearts stop beating or they stop breathing, and that's when we need to do something called cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR for short.

CPR is a way to help start someone's heart again and get air into their lungs, so they can start breathing on their own. It involves doing something called chest compressions, which is putting your hands on the person's chest and pushing down hard and fast.

But before we start doing chest compressions, we need to make sure the person is lying flat on their back and their airway is clear. That means we need to tilt their head back a little bit and check if there's anything blocking their mouth or nose like food, vomit, or other things.

Once we've made sure the person's airway is clear, we can start doing chest compressions by pushing down hard and fast on their chest. We need to keep doing this until medical professionals arrive, as they will take over from there.

CPR can be done by anyone with proper training, like adults, kids, or even other kids like you! It's important to remember that CPR can save someone's life, so it's important to call 911 first and then start doing CPR.