ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Career development

Career development is like playing a game where you learn new skills and get better at them over time. Just like how you get better at playing a game you like, you also get better at your job over time by practicing and learning new things.

Think of your career as a journey, like a trip to a new and exciting place. In this trip, you will travel through different stages or levels, just like when you play a game. Sometimes, you need to change directions, take detours, or learn new skills to reach your destination.

To start your career development, you first need to know what you want to achieve in the future. You can think of this as your goal, just like when you want to win a game or competition. You might not know exactly what you want to do in the future, but you should have an idea of what interests you, what you are good at, and what makes you happy.

After setting your goal, you need to learn new things that can help you get there. You can do this through training, education, and trying new tasks at work. This is like finding new items or power-ups in a game that help you win, like gaining more strength or speed.

You may also need to find a mentor, just like when you ask an older sibling or friend to help you in a game. A mentor is someone who has more experience than you and can guide you through your career journey. They can help you make decisions, offer advice, and help you learn new things.

Lastly, it's important to be patient and persistent in your career journey, just like when you play a game and it takes time to get better. Along the way, you might make mistakes or face challenges, but it's important to keep going and learn from them.

Remember, career development is a process that takes time and effort, but it can also be fun and rewarding like playing a game.