ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Castellology is the study of castles! Castles are big buildings made out of stone with big walls and towers. Long time ago, castles were really important because they helped protect people from enemies. Castles were like big fortresses where knights and soldiers could go to hide and fight if they needed to.

Castellologists are people who study castles to learn more about how they were built, why they were built, and what life was like inside them. Castellologists use tools like maps, drawings, and photos to study castles. They also visit castles to see them in person and learn more about what life was like inside of them.

Castles have lots of different parts, like walls, towers, and drawbridges. Castellologists also study the different parts of castles and how they worked together to keep people safe.

In summary, castellology is like a big puzzle where people try to understand how castles worked and what life was like for the people who lived inside them a long time ago.