Okay, so cesia is a fancy word used to describe how something looks to our eyes. When we talk about cesia, we are looking at how things appear to be different colors, or how light reflects off of them.
Think about when you look at a rainbow - it has so many beautiful colors, right? Well, those colors are a result of cesia. When light from the sun passes through tiny droplets of water in the air, it gets bent or refracted. This bending of light creates different colors that we can see. That's why we see a rainbow with colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
But it's not just rainbows that have cesia. Everything we see around us has cesia too. For example, when you look at a red apple, your eyes see it as red because the apple absorbs all colors of light except for red, which it reflects back to our eyes. So really, the apple is only showing us the color red!
Cesia can also change depending on the lighting around us. If you've ever noticed that a white piece of paper can look yellowish under a yellow light, it's because the light is affecting the way the paper's cesia appears. This is why things can look different colors in different lighting conditions.
Sometimes, our eyes can even play tricks on us with cesia. Have you ever seen an optical illusion? It's when something looks a certain way, but it's not actually what it seems. This happens because our eyes and brain interpret cesia in a certain way, making us see things that might not be there.
So, cesia is all about how things appear to our eyes - whether it's the different colors of a rainbow, the way objects reflect light, or how lighting can change the way things look. It's a fascinating way to understand and appreciate the world around us!