ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Child custody

Child custody is like sharing your toys. When mommy and daddy cannot live together anymore, they have to decide who will take care of you (the child).

Sometimes it's mommy who takes care of you most of the time, and sometimes it's daddy. This is called physical custody.

Other times, both mommy and daddy will take turns taking care of you. This is called joint physical custody.

But it's not just about who takes care of you physically. Mommy and daddy also have to decide who will make decisions for you, like where you go to school or what kind of medical treatment you receive. This is called legal custody.

Sometimes one parent will have sole legal custody, and other times both parents will share joint legal custody.

Child custody is very important because it helps make sure you are taken care of and loved by both mommy and daddy, even if they don't live together anymore.