ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


You know how sometimes two people who were together as friends or partners decide they don't want to be together anymore? That's called a breakup. It can feel really sad and confusing for both people.

Imagine you and your friend were playing together every day, but then one day your friend says they don't want to play with you anymore. You might feel hurt and wonder what you did wrong.

That's kind of like a breakup - two people who were spending a lot of time together decide they don't want to anymore. It can be for lots of reasons, like they don't get along as well as they used to, or one person wants to do something different with their life.

It's important to remember that even though a breakup can be sad, it doesn't mean that the people involved don't care about each other anymore. Sometimes it's just better for them to not be together in that way anymore. It's okay to be sad, but it's also okay to move on and make new friends or find a new partner in time.