ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Children of the plantation

During a time long ago, some people in America had big farms with many fields full of crops. These farms were called plantations. The people who owned these plantations were very rich and powerful.

They needed lots of people to work on their plantations because there was a lot of work to be done. The people who worked on the plantations were called slaves.

Sometimes, slave owners would have children with their slaves. These children were called "children of the plantation."

These children did not have an easy life. Even though they were born into the plantation owner's family, they were still considered slaves. They were not allowed to learn how to read or write, and they had to work long hours doing chores around the plantation just like the other slaves.

Despite being the offspring of their slave owners, the children of the plantation were often treated poorly and discriminated against. They were not treated as equal to the white children, who were given better food, clothing, and education.

It was a very sad and unfair time in history, and thankfully, we have learned from our mistakes and strive to treat all people with respect and equality nowadays.