ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chinese sovereign

A Chinese sovereign is basically like a big boss who has a lot of power in China. Just like how your parents might be in charge of you at home, the Chinese sovereign is in charge of the people and the land in China. But instead of just one person, there have been many different Chinese sovereigns throughout history.

These sovereigns have different names, like emperors, kings, or other titles, depending on the time period. But no matter what they're called, they're all very important because they make big decisions about how the country is run.

Think about how your parents might make decisions about what you eat or what time you go to bed. The Chinese sovereigns make decisions about things like how the government is organized, how taxes are collected, and how the army is used.

The first Chinese sovereigns lived a long time ago, and they're known for creating things like the Great Wall of China and the Terracotta Warriors. Over time, different sovereigns have come and gone, each leaving their own mark on Chinese history.

Today, there isn't really one person who is called the Chinese sovereign anymore. China is now run by a government made up of many different people who work together to make decisions. But the legacy of the Chinese sovereigns lives on, and they continue to be an important part of China's story.