ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Christianity and war

Christianity is a religion that teaches people to love others and do good things. Jesus, who started Christianity, taught his followers to treat others the way they wanted to be treated. He also taught them to forgive those who hurt them and to love and care for one another.

However, throughout history, there have been times when Christians have been involved in wars. Some people believe that it is okay to use violence to protect themselves or others. They argue that wars are sometimes necessary to defend the innocent, fight against evil, and protect the freedom of all people.

However, other Christians believe that war is never the right solution. They argue that war goes against the teachings of Jesus and leads to more suffering and destruction. They believe that people should always look for peaceful solutions to conflicts and work towards understanding and reconciliation.

One important thing to remember is that each Christian interprets the Bible differently and has their own opinions about war. Some Christians believe that God approves of war, while others believe that peace is always the right choice.

In summary, Christianity teaches people to love others and do good things. While some Christians believe that war is sometimes necessary, others believe that peace and understanding are always the best solutions. Ultimately, each person has to decide for themselves what they believe is right.