ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chromosomal duplication

Chromosomal duplication is like making a copy of a book. You know how when you want more than one copy of a book, you can make a copy of the pages? Chromosomal duplication is like making a copy of the pages in a book.

But when we talk about chromosomal duplication, we are talking about a special kind of copying that happens in our bodies. Our bodies are made up of cells, and each cell has something called chromosomes in it. The chromosomes are like little books with pages called genes.

Sometimes, when a cell is getting ready to divide into two cells, something goes wrong and the chromosomes don't divide properly. When this happens, one of the chromosomes might get stuck to the other one and make a copy of itself. So instead of having two chromosomes, this cell now has three chromosomes that are almost identical.

Sometimes this duplication can happen in only a small part of a chromosome, and sometimes it can happen to the whole chromosome. This can cause some problems in the cell and can lead to diseases or disorders. But scientists are working hard to figure out how to fix these problems and help people who have chromosomal duplications.