ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Civilian Public Service

Civilian public service is when people who do not want to go to war are given a different job to help their country during a time of war. This job is not fighting in the war, but doing something else that still helps the country.

For example, during World War II, when many young men were required to go and fight in the war, some people did not believe in fighting or could not go because of their religion. These people were given the option to instead work for the government in a civilian public service job.

Instead of fighting, they might work on a farm, help in a hospital, or do other things that helped the country but did not involve fighting. This way, they could still serve their country and help during the war, but they did not have to fight.

This was a way to support the war effort without going against someone's beliefs or moral code. It was an important way for people who wanted to help their country but couldn't fight to still make a meaningful contribution during a time of war.